best drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinics melbourne

35+ Best Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinics In Melbourne [2022]

Do you or a loved one struggle with drug or alcohol addiction? If this is the case, you may be wondering how to obtain help. There are a number of excellent drug and alcohol rehab treatment centres in Melbourne that can give you the attention and assistance you require. Continue reading to learn more about these clinics and what they have to offer. You don't have to face addiction alone; get the treatment you need today!

That's why we've compiled this list of some of the greatest clinics in town, so you can get a head start on your research. Each clinic has its own approach to treatment, so do your research before making a decision. Check this list of the best drug and alcohol rehab treatment clinics  in Melbourne. We wish you all the best in your hunt! 

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    Ultimate List of Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinics in Melbourne

    Refocus Rehab Melbourne - Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic

    refocus drug & alcohol rehab melbourne

    (03) 9537 0880

    Drug And Alcohol Treatment In Melbourne.

    Your life is too precious to be wasted on any form of addiction. There is now available, efficient treatment. You should make sure that seeking help is moving in the most fruitful path possible when you decide to do so.

    Our caring team is here to provide you with advice and support if you are a family member or a partner of the person you are urging to seek addiction treatment.

    Rehab For Marijuana Addiction In Melbourne

    The number of people seeking treatment for marijuana addiction has increased at our Melbourne clinic.

    The western world's tolerance for marijuana use has gradually risen over the course of the last few decades. This has picked up speed recently, in part because it has recently been legal in more US states.

    In 2016, the state of Victoria also legalized access, allowing doctors to prescribe the medicine to patients who met specific medical requirements.

    A drug does not automatically lose its ability to develop a habit or become addictive just because it is approved for lawful sale.

    Nine percent of those who experiment with marijuana develop an addiction to it (source). The majority of people try drugs for the first time while they are teenagers, and then they usually start using them again when they are adults.

    Heroin Treatment Centre

    Australia is on the precipice of a public health crisis as a result of the virtually pandemic levels of heroin usage in recent years. Younger generations are particularly affected by this. Nearly 2% of Australians aged 14 and older have used the substance at some point in their life, and that number is constantly rising, according to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation.

    Because heroin has such a high potential for abuse, so many people come to REFOCUS for help. Give us a call or keep reading for additional details if you're seeking for heroin rehab in Melbourne. This page should assist those who are affected in comprehending the mechanism of action of the drug as well as the risks associated with self-managing the withdrawal process.


    Attending a residential heroin rehab facility for treatment might mean the difference between a happy, sober life and one that is ruined by drug addiction. Clients receive unwavering support from counselors, medical personnel, and other patients who are on the same journey to sobriety without passing judgment.

    Our programs utilise a variety of treatments, including:

    We take steps to make sure the environment is cozy, welcoming, and private throughout each person's time here so that they may feel at ease and secure.

    I want you to know that you're not the only one going through this. Whether you are battling addiction yourself or have a loved one who is imprisoned by drug habit, you are welcome to call at any time to get more information or to book a visit of the facility. Our mission is to help you take back control of your life and live a sober life.

    What We Can Help With

    You or a loved one can get your life back on track with the assistance of Refocus Rehab Melbourne. We are experts in supporting various addictive behaviors.


    Rehab Melbourne - Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    refocus rehab melbourne

    (03) 9537 0880

    Drug, Alcohol & Lifestyle treatment and management in Melbourne.

    For more than 20 years, the Refocus program has aided our patients in finding their way toward recovery.

    Your life is too valuable to let addiction waste it. Treatment that works is now accessible. Make sure you are on the best route to success before you take the initial step to ask for assistance.

    Our compassionate staff can offer guidance and assistance if you're a family member or partner attempting to get a loved one into rehab.

    What We Can Help With

    You or a loved one can get your life back on track with the assistance of Refocus Rehab Melbourne. We are experts in supporting various addictive behaviors.

    Why Choose Refocus Rehab Melbourne for Alcohol, Drug and Ice Addiction Treatment

    Melbourne’s Premier Rehab for Drug, Alcohol, Cocaine and Ice Addiction.

    Our staff is aware that a successful program must offer you or a loved one a secure, encouraging, and fun environment. In a small, individually tailored treatment setting, patients experience greater control and comfort. With the help of our program, we can provide you or a loved one the attention and focus they need to achieve their goals for a successful life.

    The Refocus Team

    Refocus is well known for its sensitivity, friendliness, and the private, secure atmosphere it offers. The team is dedicated to meeting your needs and is highly qualified, experienced, and devoted. Ten people maximum per group to maintain intimacy and productivity. Refocus gives you a fresh sense of enlightenment, regeneration, confidence, and self-worth and puts you back in control of your life.

    Ramsay Mental Health - Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    ramsay mental health drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinic melbourne

    03 9256 8389

    Addiction and the abuse of substances

    Anyone who habitually takes excessive amounts of either chemical may develop a dependent on it. Their capacity to conduct their daily lives normally is hampered by the effects of this. Addiction and substance abuse are illnesses that can have a terrible impact on a person's physical well-being, interpersonal relationships, and mental and emotional stability.

    The degree of the addiction as well as the substances consumed are factors in deciding the best route of therapy. Treatment alternatives include receiving psychiatric and psychological therapy, joining a self-help or support group, and receiving professional treatments.

    At Albert Road Clinic, how do we treat addiction?

    The Addictions Service provides residential treatment, detoxification treatments, day patient rehabilitation, and preventative programs in addition to inpatient treatment. Each of these calls for a careful assessment service.


    Community-based care that is delivered in the patient's home and includes individualized treatment plans for adults or the elderly is referred to as "outreach." Telehealth will occasionally be used to carry out outreach operations, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

    Windana - Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Melbourne

    windana drug and alcohol rehab treatment melbourne

    03 9529 7921

    The Windana Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center has a great reputation in the Australian state of Victoria. They are committed to providing thorough, client-focused therapy programs.

    Clients have access to and can select from a number of community-based recovery and rehabilitation programs. Simply said, we support people as they go through the many stages of rehabilitation and help them get back on their feet by giving them a secure, supportive environment to do so.


    Since its founding in 1984, Windana has aided tens of thousands of individuals in overcoming the debilitating consequences of substance misuse and alcoholism and making the necessary changes to live happy, full lives.

    No matter where a patient is in the recovery process, Windana's individualized treatment plans are comprehensive, evidence-based, and suited to their particular needs. This broad category covers a variety of community-based treatments in addition to residential withdrawal programs and residential rehabilitation centers.

    We are able to raise public awareness of the realities of drug and alcohol abuse, the efficacy of treatment, and the significance of continuing to strive toward a brighter future through our collaborations with professionals and organizations from all areas of life.

    FAQs About Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment

    Treatment length varies for everyone, but your focus should be on the results of your treatment and ensuring your own sobriety.

    If you're facing an addiction, seeking treatment can be intimidating. You may be wondering what your friends and family will think, how much it will cost and what the length of rehab will be. There is no single formula for treatment because every form of addiction is unique.

    It's important to recognise that how you recover from addiction will be different from anyone else's treatment and recovery.

    However, there are several basic treatment options to choose from based on your specific need. The general length of rehab programs are:

    • 30-day program
    • 60-day program
    • 90-day program

    When choosing a program, you should focus on what will bring you the highest chance of long-term success. Most addicted individuals need at least three months in treatment to get sober and initiate a plan for continued recovery. Research shows that the best outcomes occur with longer durations of treatment. Lengthier treatment programs can seem intimidating at first, but they may end up bringing you the best results.

    In the process of active addiction, people suffering from substance use disorder lose material possessions, relationships with people, and other things that were once very important to them. As part of drug and alcohol rehab, you will strive to recover those things through acknowledging mistakes, fully immersing yourself in treatment, and working hard to make the necessary changes to beat the disease of addiction. Drug addiction often changes a person's behaviour, which affects all aspects of his or her life, including work and relationships. In residential rehab, patients do their best to regain their normal lives in a safe and healthy way.

    It's true that some people have a higher risk of abusing and becoming addicted to drugs. Knowing your risk factors can help you to be proactive in avoiding triggers and other situations that may make drug use more likely.

    Here are some of the most common risk factors associated with drug addiction:

    Being A Man.

    Even though the progression of addictive disorders has been seen to be faster among women, men have a higher likelihood of becoming addicted to drugs.

    Family History.

    Is drug addiction common in your family? Researchers believe there may be a genetic predisposition to drug addiction, meaning if someone in your family has dealt with drug addiction, you have a higher risk of dealing with it yourself. This is only true among blood relatives, such as a parent, grandparent or sibling.

    Mental Disorders.

    Having other mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can make you more susceptible to drug addiction. This is because these disorders may sometimes lead to coping through drugs, alcohol or other substances.

    Lack Of Family Involvement.

    When parents aren't involved in their children's lives, or their children simply lack supervision, the risk of drug addiction goes up. This is because not only is it easier for the child to acquire and abuse drugs, but it also promotes difficult family situations and a lack of a bond, which may compel drug use.

    Taking A Highly Addictive Drug.

    Some drugs are more addictive than others. For instance, cocaine is known as a highly addictive drug. Painkillers may also create a faster tolerance and dependency. Even so, taking drugs that are thought to be "less addictive" can still put you on a path to drug addiction.

    While the above risk factors may increase a person's chances of becoming addicted to drugs, anyone can succumb to drug abuse and addiction. Addiction recovery programs can help.

    While specific incentives differ from person to person, generally speaking, people start using drugs to escape or mask pain.

    In some individuals, the onset of drug use can be from untreated psychiatric issues, including anxiety and depression. The rush of pleasure from using drugs can provide temporary solace from suffering, which can stem from much mental health or other issues, including the following:

    • Trauma or abuse
    • Mental illness
    • Low self-esteem
    • Poverty
    • Relationship problems
    • Loss of a loved one
    • Stress
    • Chronic pain or medical conditions

    But whatever their reason for starting, once addiction sets in, the disease usually spirals more and more out of their control.

    The sad truth is that more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities are caused by substance abuse than by any other preventable health condition. Prolonged drug dependence interferes with just about every organ in the human body, and while different drugs have different damaging effects, these are some of the common conditions substance abuse can cause:

    • The damaged immune system, which increases susceptibility to infection
    • Cardiovascular conditions, including heart attacks and collapsed veins
    • Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain
    • Liver overexertion or liver failure
    • Seizures and strokes
    • Widespread brain damage that can interfere with memory, attention, and decision-making, as well as permanent brain damage

    Some of the worst effects of substance abuse aren't even health-related. Drug abuse can have a number of damaging consequences on an addict's social and emotional well-being, including:

    • Loss of employment
    • Relationship loss
    • Incarceration
    • Financial trouble
    • Homelessness
    • Risky sexual behaviour

    Many problems can be reversed or minimised by getting sober, but there may be some health and emotional issues that simply won't heal with time. The best way to prevent permanent damage is to seek professional drug addiction treatment ASAP to overcome the addiction.

    While there is no one way or guaranteed way to prevent someone from abusing drugs and alcohol, there are things that everyone can do to prevent substance abuse.

    Here are the top five ways to prevent substance abuse:

    Understand How Substance Abuse Develops. 

    Substance abuse starts by:

    • Using addictive drugs (illicit or prescribed) for recreational purposes
    • Seeking out intoxication every time you use
    • Abusing prescription medication

    Avoid Temptation And Peer Pressure. 

    Develop healthy friendships and relationships by avoiding friends or family members who pressure you to use substances. It's often said, "we become most like those we surround ourselves by," meaning if you surround yourself with people who abuse drugs and alcohol, you are more likely to as well. Peer pressure is a major part of life for teens and adults. If you are looking to stay drug-free, develop a good way to just say no, prepare a good excuse or plan ahead of time to keep from giving in to peer pressure.

    Seek Help For Mental Illness. 

    Mental illness and substance abuse often go hand in hand. If you are dealing with a mental illness such as anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, you should seek professional help from a licensed therapist or counsellor. A professional will provide you with healthy coping skills to alleviate your symptoms without turning to drugs and alcohol.

    Examine The Risk Factors. 

    Look at your family history of mental illness and addiction. Several studies have shown that this disease tends to run in the family but can be prevented. The more you are aware of your biological, environmental and physical risk factors, the more likely you are to overcome them.

    Keep A Well-balanced Life. 

    People often turn to drugs and alcohol when something in their life is missing or not working. Practising stress management skills can help you overcome these life stressors and will help you live a balanced and healthy life.

    Develop Goals And Dreams For Your Future. 

    These will help you focus on what you want and help you realise that drugs and alcohol will simply get in the way and hinder you from achieving your goals.

    Substance abuse and addiction can damage family dynamics, erode trust, and weaken communication. Family members who experience a loved one battling with a substance use disorder (SUD) often endure a host of painful emotions. Equally frustrating is the hopelessness loved ones feel in response to substance abuse. Family members may feel at a loss when seeing a loved one caught in the grips of substance abuse. For example, stumbling upon burnt spoons and used syringes can create paralysing feelings of fear and shock.

    However, family members can help their loved ones achieve and maintain sobriety. Despite seeing a loved one struggle, family members can and ideally do play a major role in the treatment process. The role of the family in addiction recovery is large and important.

    Family is the most important and powerful influence in your child's life. A majority of substance-free adolescents credit their parents for their decision not to use illegal substances. Even if you're not a parent, you still can play a significant role in a youth's life. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings, mentors, volunteers, teachers and coaches all can help guide youth toward healthy choices at every stage of life. Caring adults can take action by having frequent conversations with the youth in their lives about the dangers of substance use. Let youth know YOU are a resource.


    Bali Beginning - Melbourne Drug & Alcohol Rehab

    bali beginning melbourne drug & alcohol rehab

    1800 734 212

    About Our Luxury Rehabilitation Centre

    Our clinical service adheres to the strictest standards for medical quality and patient safety in every aspect. Our facility offers 24/7 access to on-site medical treatment and is managed by medical professionals. Our highly educated clinical psychologists oversee all one-on-one psychotherapy sessions there.

    This approach combines complementary and alternative therapies with conventional Western medicine (such cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and compassion-focused therapy) (such as acupuncture, sound healing, and reiki). Plans for treatment include opportunities for yoga, meditation, and physical activity as well as trips to culturally and geographically significant areas of Bali.

    Our Support Workers accompany our clients to neighborhood AA and NA meetings in order to support them as they work through the 12 Steps of recovery (NA).

    Our company values charity, and one way we give back to the neighborhood is by providing free services to households and other local institutions like schools.

    The Hader Clinic - Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    the hader clinic drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinic melbourne

    1800 957 453

    Alcohol Rehab And Holistic Drug Rehab

    Our all-encompassing approach to treatment includes a 28-day withdrawal and detoxification program as well as outpatient relapse prevention therapy. Patients receive unmatched care and the chance to escape the habits that support their drug dependence.

    Holistic Treatment Of Drug Addiction

    The complicated condition of drug addiction can have an impact on every aspect of a person's life. It applies to people of all IQ levels. Addicts do not exist who are "functional." The idea that addiction "outgrows" with age is untrue.

    Individualized treatment for addicts is essential in halting the drug abuse epidemic. A given drug may cause very different reactions in different people. Our treatments, which employ a variety of approaches and tools, aim to break the cycle of substance abuse.

    Wyndham Clinic - Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Melbourne

    wyndham clinic drug and alcohol rehab melbourne

    (03) 9731 6678


    Our cutting-edge facility includes inpatient areas that are solely dedicated to these specialized areas of care and was constructed with the express intention of treating substance misuse and mental disorders in both young people and adults. We want the patients and the people who care about them to feel secure, at ease, and taken care of.


    Our programs are managed and carried out by seasoned consultant psychiatrist Dr. Rajinarayan Mahasuar. To carry out exhaustive examinations and deliver efficient treatments, our team of specialists use a wide range of tried-and-true techniques.

    Every patient experiences alcohol and drugs differently, and we are aware of this. We collaborate closely with family doctors, general practitioners, and other medical specialists who are already an essential part of the care teams for our patients.

    Addiction Solutions Victoria - Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    addiction solutions victoria drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinic melbourne

    03 8374 7632

    Addiction Solutions: Drug And Alcohol Rehab Melbourne

    Melbourne, the state capital of Australia's Victoria, offers economical rehabilitation services that are based on scientific research. Addiction Solutions Victoria (ASV) was founded in 2015 as a direct reaction to the general acceptance of and personal experience with sustained abstinence from drug and alcohol addiction.

    A state of physical or psychological dependence on a substance or a pattern of behavior is referred to as addiction. It typically indicates that the habit has persisted despite having a negative impact on the person's responsibilities to their family, friends, and/or health.

    It's possible that therapy with enough effectiveness can address this problem, but it's not always the case. An addict may occasionally experience total helplessness as a result of their addiction. Long-term good change will necessitate work and dedication.

    Our staff is made up of competent and devoted specialists, and our drug and alcohol treatment programs are reasonably priced. The ASV outpatient drug and alcohol addiction treatment program might assist if you or someone you care about is ready to turn away from addictive behaviors and habits.

    Noosa Confidential - Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    noosa confidential drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinic melbourne

    1800 210 012

    Noosa Confidential can assist Melbourne residents who require a serene environment for treatment and rehabilitation away from the bustle of the city.

    The most exclusive residential neighborhood in all of Australia is called Noosa Confidential, and it is situated in Noosa on the Sunshine Coast. We provide something that is truly exceptional, unlike any "rehab center" you may have ever attended.

    To ensure long-term health and happiness, our sizable, medically knowledgeable, and collaborative team implements highly individualized programs that include individualized counseling and therapies. We do this by applying cutting-edge evidence-based techniques. These programs are designed to help people achieve and maintain optimal health.

    AIR14 - Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    air14 drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinic melbourne

    1300 414 583

    Alcohol, Drug, And Behavioural Addiction Treatment

    The individualized treatment of alcoholism, substance addiction, and behavioral disorders is the main objective of the 14-day AIR14 residential treatment program.

    We are Melbourne's first 14-day outpatient center, and we are situated in Malvern East. Medical professionals work in our facility, and we provide a special program that mixes in-person appointments with virtual ones via a smartphone application. Our center was established by ex-addicts and alcoholics.

    Government-sponsored programs like Medicare, the TAC, or the DVA may cover all of the expenses, a portion of them, or none of them at all (with the appropriate referral).

    First Step - Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    first step drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinic melbourne

    03 9537 3110

    The only facility of its kind, First Step's outpatient addiction and mental health clinic provides comprehensive legal help. We have provided free assistance for the past 20 years to thousands of low-income Victorians and their families.

    First Step is happy to provide free access to the ResetLife Program, a group therapy alternative that focuses on sobriety for anyone struggling with alcohol or drug addiction. First Step is glad to provide the ResetLife therapy modality for people who want to advance in their healing. First Step aims to reduce any undesired negative effects by employing this technique.

    The ResetLife team has the full backing of authorities in the areas of addiction, mental health, and even legal issues to assure the efficient administration of this program. The existence of such prospects is a positive development for First Step and the industry at large.

    Naturalis - Drug Rehab & Detox Melbourne

    naturalis  drug and alcohol rehab treatment clinic melbourne

    03 8319 0978


    We are able to treat clients effectively and assist them in overcoming substance misuse and other problematic behaviors as a result of the treatments offered at our Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Melbourne.

    We only provide therapies, programs, and treatments that have been shown effective by science. Help is currently available, and it's not only quick to get but also very fairly priced and of the finest caliber.

    As experts in health and wellbeing, we provide you with individualized peer-to-peer help, doable strategies, pertinent knowledge, and valuable relationships with like-minded individuals.

    By putting the needs of the whole person first, we adopt a fresh and innovative approach to drug rehabilitation.

    Sea Haven - Drug and Alcohol Rehab Melbourne

    sea haven drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinic melbourne

    03 8738 4277

    The goal of Seahaven is to provide the tools necessary for people whose lives have been impacted by substance misuse to accept change. Our instructional tools and social network are available to everyone who wants to long-term improve their health and happiness.

    Seahaven is able to help those who are battling addiction by providing a therapeutic and structured program. With the use of this program, a person's physical and mental health can both be enhanced. Each of these activities was carried out in a safe and trusted environment.

    At Seahaven, addiction is seen as a chronic disorder that can be controlled and treated with the help of cooperation and consent from all parties. Our knowledgeable staff is aware that overcoming a drug or alcohol addiction requires more than simply willpower.

    Hills & Ranges Private - Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    hills & ranges private drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinic melbourne

    rehab. Melbourne

    1800 954 778

    A luxurious drug rehab facility is located in Olinda, a suburb of Melbourne.

    Hills and Ranges Private is the best private rehabilitation center in Australia. Patients can benefit from their excellent detox and rehabilitation treatments. They deal with addictions to various substances as such as alcohol, ice (methamphetamine), cocaine, gambling, and Chemsex.

    We also provide a range of supportive resources for mental health. Our diverse, long-term treatment program's objective is to promote a secure detox and fruitful recovery. There are many more aspects to this program than just the 12-step model.

    The Melbourne Clinic - Rehab and Treatment Centre

    the melbourne clinic drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinic

    03 9429 4688

    Welcome to The Melbourne Clinic

    A comprehensive multidisciplinary team made up of over 200 accredited psychiatrists, addiction medicine specialists, pain medicine specialists, seasoned registered mental health nurses, and allied health staff (psychologists, social workers, dietitians, exercise physiologists, art therapists, and pastoral care workers) in consortia is what we rely on to provide the best care for our patients. Our Intake team, which is made up of seasoned psychiatrists with a focus on mental health, prioritizes all incoming calls and patients.

    A excellent example of affordable, patient-centered healthcare is The Melbourne Clinic. Our organization places a high premium on providing services in a respectful and culture-aware manner.

    We acknowledge and respect the complexity of each person's identity. In 2017, The Melbourne Clinic became the first private mental health facility to ever be accredited by Rainbow Tick. We provide our patients' loved ones with both emotional support and professional assistance because we recognize how important it is for them to be there for them as they recuperate.

    Recovery Coaches Australia - Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    recovery coaches australia drug & alcohol rehab treatment clinics melbourne

    0408 666 878

    What We Do?

    Our Experience

    We came to the conclusion that not all people's personalities are well-suited to the typical recovery procedure as a result of our years of experience as mentors and experts. Some of the persons we encountered were change-seekers who, for a variety of reasons, were unable to go through the months-long treatment required to bring about that transformation.

    Instead of allowing them to relapse to their abusive behavior, we saw an opportunity to develop a program that would assist these individuals in finding recovery and prevent them from slipping through the holes in the system.

    Uniting Care - Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment Clinic Melbourne

    uniting care alcohol and other drug services melbourne

    03 9192 8198

    Alcohol and other drug services

    Find the right support for you.

    Alcohol and drug abuse can have a detrimental impact on a person's relationships, profession, and community ties, as well as their physical and mental health (AOD).

    We are well aware that a person's upbringing and life experiences affect not only how they view and anticipate receiving treatment, but also how they use and consume AODs.

    As a result, we collaborate to establish objectives that will motivate you to develop and enhance your quality of life in various ways.

    Take the first step.

    Please don't hesitate to contact a member of our Intake and Assessment team if you need help or have any queries. Learn more about how to contact us and the many AOD therapies that are offered.

    It is crucial to be knowledgeable about the numerous treatment options and services available whether you are an individual, a member of a family or friend group, a friend, or a health care professional in order to choose the best one for your circumstances.

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